
If you're feeling like some straight-talking-- this guy has a lucid take on the "present situation":


Cuts through the make-believe complexity and serves it up raw.

No more monkeys. What do they need rooves for anyway? - They've got the trees.


A family of monkeys landed on my roof this morning...there were three: father finger, mother finger and baby finger-

First it was possums, then mice, now monkeys...

See here for a beautiful painting-


Whatever next?

Possums are still the most scary.


A solar storm the other day- http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn6913

Lots of radiation- does this affect us?

A three month break from the blogsphere - finally back online, hooked up, connected.

It's a bit like being on caffeine. The world spins faster, more erratically.

Read some interesting commentary on this information overload and the consequent speeding up/lack of focus that accompanies our constant "connection" to the world.

A destabilization of ourselves- that matches the destablization in the forms of the information we receive- the "neverthereness", the transitory, flitting of the net- see David Levy who says our obsession with immortality means the internet is fundamentally disturbing our psyche...


And also arising from that wonderfully American optimism in Utne...this guy who just wants to be ten years old again- and makes hobbit holes in which to draw pictures....


Good things are happening- and Kyoto is nice and chilly for days inside.

If there were a now to mark time with
To catch it in a butterfly net
And see it's wings shredded by the nylon-

Would you be pleased?
Or would you keep snatching at butterflies
To quench your thirst?

You greedy thing!