
The PL (Church of Perfect Liberty) Peace Tower intrigued me as I explored the outer reaches of the Kansai area. Despite my efforts in circumnavigating the tower it remained behind a barbed-wire fence.

"The PL Peace Tower has become an interreligious, sculptured monument dedicated to all the departed souls of those who have died as a result of all human conflicts. It's a place where people can reflect on the ravages of war and pray for world peace. For this reason, the PL Peace Tower was erected and dedicated to symbolize PL's heartfelt desire for "the eternal peace and true happiness of humankind".

"Enshrined within the main altar in Peace Tower, is a list of unlimited names of those who have died as a result of human wars. These names have been collected from around the world, regardless of race, nationality, religion, or political beliefs, and they have been recorded on microfilm and placed in a sacred golden container".

And the site of the world's biggest firework display...



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